Sunday, December 04, 2005

Droppings...(comments) left at other Blogs.

Webloafer's primary blog (Sanity's Bluff) is about to have it's 30,000th visit, and it has made me think a little. Sanity's Bluff has about 170 articles written by me, or a least shared by me, to you the readers. Even more monumental is the number of comments I have left at other peoples blogs...
They never are the short comments, like this.
"I love your blog, please visit mine...
No,that is not me, I have warned everyone (in my profile) that I am longwinded and opinionated.

This is the only article I will be posting to any of my blogs (6) today, and I better hurry, it's almost is a compendium of comments I left all over the web this evening.

I am not leaving the links for the blogs I answered, I may try to do that later, this is just a recall of the comments I left at other blogs today. I always keep MSWord open in the background to copy and paste my comments to. Those comments are mounting up like you wouldn't believe. I thought it might be interesting to you to read all of the comments left by web_loafer, just today. You'll have to guess to what I'm replying, but I have confidence that you can grasp the whole of the event. After all, you have proved your intelligence, by reading this far into this truck drivers rant. Love you all........webbie


Shirley, you feel exactly like I do, but I must add one caveat. If you are a Democrat and love America, you are my friend. Friends discuss, oh and maybe even argue a little. If you are someone who hates America, you are my enemy, and I want you defeated in all you do.
I won't give the time of day to someone who blatantly and publicly hates America. Or hates the 52% of us who voted for President Bush. If you hate President Bush, you hate America. You can disagree with President Bush, but he is more popular than Congress, Yes, both House and Senate, and has a higher approval rate than The Democratic Party, which scores below used car salesman in the trust factor. Those facts won't make it to the MSM's programming.
I turn on my TV, and nothing there makes me believe the media loves America. They completely ignore Senator Lieberman who recently told the truth about Iraq, and at the same time, that whacko congressman who claims American forces are weak, tired and incapable of winning a war, and that we should turn tail now, when we are winning, that whacko get top shelf handling from the media.. That congressman is the champion, and darling of the press. He is on more programs, has more articles printed about him than any of our brave soldiers. It is a disgrace to see the way the MSM uses the freedom that so many of our nations warriors, died to give them. When was the last time you read about some of the mountains of good going on in Iraq, thanks to America????? If you saw or read any of that news, it was on the internet.
I turn on my radio to PBS and you would not guess it is an American Taxpayer provided one there seems to love America.
If I was to buy a newspaper, it is much the same.
Whoops I'm getting long winded, so what's new? Thanks for the civil discussion.


Whoa now, waxy poetic, interesting response with one big problem. The rappers of today had every chance to go to school and get an education and maybe become a Justice of the Supreme Court or Secretary of State. They were not forced into anything. Their music speaks of nothing worthy of consideration. It is foul, vile, immoral, racist, sexist trash. No honky or cracker, created the cesspool they swim in. They weren’t left out of the chances of America. You can say so, but I see to many examples that refute your point.

To quote you ….

“To repressed peoples, those that have dealt with the trappings of racism for hundreds of years, music remains an important expression of the violence done unto them.”

There are no longer any trapping of racism in America. There were, our wounds from that struggle are many. Almost every household in America lost a loved one in the Civil War, or had a broken person return. Dr. Martin Luther King helped finish the task, he was truly a called person, called to make this nation better, and he fulfilled his calling.
Now in 2005, some people want to constantly open up those wounds that have healed. Our nation bends over backwards in giving everyone a chance. Those rappers didn’t want the chance, they want the life they have, I don’t want them rapping around me. No one is going to treat a woman the way these scum suggest around me. I’ve always worried that I will find trouble when I am trying to help the helpless. There is no rationalization I will believe. You are to give an account someday of what you have done in this short life. We all, Black, White, Yellow, Men, Women, Rich and the Poor will stand before the creator of this life, and give an account of what we have done, NOT WHAT SOMEONE CAUSED US TO DO, THERE WILL BE NO EXCUSE ON THAT DAY. YOU WILL STAND ALONE BEFORE GOD. YOU CAN’T BLAME SOME SLAVEDRIVER FOR YOUR LIFE ENDING UP NOT PLEASING GOD.
I did agree and enjoyed most of your comment; with the one exception I have expanded upon here, Sorry to be so longwinded. Believe me your comment was read and thought about. Please keep in touch, this is just the conversation I hoped would be spawned by this blog.


liberal traitor, It is possible to live a world and be happy, and at the same time notice sad things, even comment on them. I am 100% pro-life, so I have to stay true to my belief, even when it is a scumbag like we are talking about.

Does he deserve to die? Yes!
By the hand of the State? No!

Yet he should be forced to work and work hard for the food he eats...I'm talking about pounding rocks all day for a bowl of soup and some stale bread.
I can see Beths point of view, and up until the Terri Schiavo starving, I believed in capital punishment.
Terri was executed by the state, and I realized, the state has no business deciding life or death for anyone, even the vilest of scum.

There will be plenty of punishment for this killer. Unless he makes it right with his creator, really right, not a half baked attempt for sympathy, he will be nothing more than one of the billions of souls who rejected God's Grace. Let him live his days out in pain, hard work and plain food, but never let him return to the life outside those four walls of steel.


If my forefathers had separated church and state, this would not be America.
It would be just another non-European third world country, with resources but no soul.

Think about what I just said, there is no separation in the hearts and minds of MOST AMERICANS from church and state, this state is great because of the churches. No coven of witches or gaggle of aclu lawyers could have made America Great, it was the people who learned how to read, by reading the Bible by candlelight that made this country great, and we are not going to let the inferior spoil the superior product of our forefathers faith and sweat.
This is a battle that needed fought; the ACLU was very successful in the 20th Century America in Hating God and All of His Children.
This century/millennium will be different, I see people getting fed up with the attack upon, the Boy Scouts, The Military, Bible Readers, People that pray, People that Love GOD AND COUNTRY.


Something made this nation the greatest gathering of people, and blessed beyond comprehension. It was the soldiers who fought this nations battles, and the ones who held the fort between wars. Death and War walk hand in hand, but if you want a reality check.

Never, I say NEVER, have 50,000,000 human beings been freed from the clutches of tyranny, with so little bloodshed. Afghanistan today has women who can discard the berkas they hated, and walk down streets with other women, those women who prefer to be submissive and abused, you know; the women who wear the scarf of Islam.
Iraq 2005, is a success beyond comprehension, why only 5 years ago, cell phones, satellite TV, free speech and freedom were a pipedream to most these dreams have become reality.

Yes, blood has to be shed to free humans from the chains of Hell, and my nation sent the bravest amongst us to help these people.

What was the cost?

O.K. THINK WORLD WAR II; Figure out the gallons of blood shed by the soldiers from around the world to free France and most of Eastern Europe from slavery, compare it to the actual number that were freed, and it was ugly. I estimate it took one soldier to spill his/her blood to free 100Europeans, or 1,000 Asians, in WWII.

In this new millennium, my country has lost some of its finest young people, But it was, and is a Righteous Cause. 50,000,000 people are free today because of their bravery and sacrifice.
You may let this fly right over your liberalized mind, but I am estimating that 20,000 humans have been freed from the slavery of radical islam for every coalition soldier that gave up their life for a cause and battle that will be won. So don't tell me they died in vain.

There will be bad days in this global struggle, but defeat is not an option. Those that wish defeat for our nation, or death to our marvelous warriors will be noticed, ostracized, and paid back in kind. Yes when this is all shaken out…we will remember the haters of America, we are keeping score……You either love America, or you are America's enemy.

Shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
about our faults, they are minor compared to the good we have done for this ungrateful world………and the liberals who want us all enslaved to government….you know….like the citizens of Iraq before the coalition forces freed the slaves of Hussein; Well, they can enjoy the freedoms that many died for, but we will not forget your actions in this critical point of America………..America's time of need, found many unprepared to help....some asked the simple question....."What can I do for America" others ignored the problem because they were insignificant to the final outcome, they knew they were worthless in Defense of America, and rightfully they stepped aside and let the warriors war.
Oh one more thing…..The scum of Islam have not been able to hit us again. It is no happenstance or coincidence…… was because we are fighting. If we ever return to the look the other way life of the 1990’s we will pay dearly right here in America.
How many more 09/11/2001’s would it take before Ted Kennedy would put down his scotch bottle and say……..LET”S ROLL????????


Us hicks back in Kansas are plenty proud of Bob Dole, and hope his lovely wife becomes the first female president of this republic, or even vice-president. I would give the upper hand to Elizabeth Dole, because of her experience, and let me tell you, she is a crowd pleaser. If I had to sit through a hour long speech of Shillery Clinton or Elizabeth Dole, wow, no question in my mind. Have you ever heard the screaming Shillery????....her voice is like new chalk on a freshly cleaned blackboard. I would rather listen to a diesel engines fan chewing through the trucks radiator than suffer through Clintons speech.

On a side note, I always liked to listen to President Bill Clintons speeches, he was one of the best public speakers I have ever heard.
If Shillery would take public speaking lessons from Bill, she would do better.
I would say she shrieks like an owl, but I wouldn't want to defame the owls.
Dr. Rice and Sen. Dole are top drawer.
America will have a female president, and I hope it is soon. Like in 2008, when Elizabeth Dole is sworn in as President.


Waxy, I am going to spend some time in answering your comments...but not today, I am taking the questions into consideration. Yes, you raised a lot of questions, ones I may or may not have the answer to. But let me reassure you, if I am tough on someone, it is because I want them to grow out of the rut they are in, and I don't think you would disagree about the rut. We all get in 'em, why blame someone else, why not do your best to excel in spite. IN SPITE OF DIFFICULTIES…

Like we say in Kansas, “To the Stars With Difficulty”. Or “Success with Difficulty”
I can list you many many people who have overcome......Have you ever read any of Thomas Sowells books? Or what about Justice Thomas, have you ever read any of his writings? And please don’t try to say Colin Powell or Dr. Rice grew up in a world of luxury…..they worked and worked and worked to get to where they are. But think about this…..How far would they have gotten in the Democratic Party?? Be Honest in answering that question.

This is America.
America is not a nation of people feeling sorry for some wrong done to their grandfather or grandmother, No, it is only a very few who don't realize....there is opportunity for all.
One thing I will not allow is misinformation about the schooling available to the underprivileged.
Taxpayers spend more money per student in the Washington D.C. public schools than anywhere else...with nothing but failure, .so it is not a matter of is desire to succeed.....parents are AWOL

More Later,

or as Drudge says....developing


God settled it once and for all, when he said, those with God Breathed Life were to have dominion over all of the other creatures God the sea, on land or in the air. To love the created more than the Creator, that is where we are folks........idol worshippers to the left of me, aclu lawyers to the right of me, and here I am, Stuck in the middle with God.......YES


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just glanced through these comments of yours. One question, Would you come to my blog and comment, please?

11:19 PM  

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