Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Caught Red Handed

Dana Priest owes our nation’s intelligence community and our nation an apology. She won a prize for writing about ‘alleged’ secret prisons in Europe where the CIA was torturing Terrorist’s.* She was given the supposedly top secret information by Mary McCarthy, a good bud of….You guessed it…Bill and Hillary. This turncoat of the CIA was fed false information and she blabbed it to Dana Priest, who even though it was false it was classified and Dana ran with the story, making our intelligence community look bad in Europe and other places. But she won a prize!

A big tip of the hat to Dennis K. at the politicalinsight who brought this to my attention.

Here is a copy of an email I sent to Dana Priest.

*I was hoping it was so, because why should our nation be at risk, when some creative torture could get the killers of islam to talk.

Republicans give up.

Democrats are out of order and Republicans are out of touch. Today, President Bush announces the things he is going to do to relieve the pressure on the price of gasoline. He stops strategic oil supply purchases; he does it with an executive order.

The Republicans in Congress stand around in a daze while The Democrats suggest a 60 day tax waiver on the federal taxes on each gallon of gasoline.

Saturday, April 22, 2006


Revenge of the consumer.

How often do you shred?

Almost everyone has a shredder nowadays, and uses it to protect their identity.

I shred, and more.

Every three months or so, I get out the shedder and start opening the grocery sacks full of junk mail, and shredding all of the forms that have my name on them. Too many companies know too much about me, but I manage to get my revenge.
Here is a 3 month pile of sensitive junk mail shredded.

Yes the marketing companies mail offers to me, but the problem is that they include some very sensitive information on the junkmail letter. It takes time but I must get rid of the threat to my good name and good credit. Yes, every once in awhile I must get out the shredder and spend some of my time to protect myself and my family. When the task of shredding is done, I sigh a sigh of relief and think "Thank God, now my garbageman won’t be able to apply for 20 credit cards in my name."

Then comes the fun part…..Getting even.

Yes, marketing by mail is so last millennium, but web_loafer gets even with the companies that insist on junking my mail.

I get even with all of the credit card companies, the AARP, the Sierra Club, AAA, DNC, and all of the organizations that pollute my mail.

It took me over an hour to open all of the junk mail and shred the sensitive material, but I got it done.

Now for revenge, I saved the postage return envelopes that were included in all that junk mail. When the Sierra Club sends me a junk letter, it only costs them about 5 cents to get it delivered. YES A NICKEL. Don’t you wish you could send a letter for 5 cents? The Sierra Club can send a big fat sealed envelope of junk to me for 5 cents.

Not too long ago, I had to pay 78 cents to mail my income tax forms into the IRS, NOPE, they didn't give me a bulk rate.

I shredded all of the letter from the Sierra Club except for the return envelope. Yes they want me to put a check in the envelope; and they are willing to pay the return postage. Good. I seal up the envelope, (empty of course) and post it. That will cost the Sierra Club 39 cents. I have my revenge.

In three months of junk mail, here you see a stack of over 100 ( No Postage Necessary if mailed in the United States,) envelopes. And pictured also are the 11 very realistic plastic cards that young children love, (they think they are real credit card like mommy and daddy's plastic) and a few fancy stickers that I don’t have a clue as to what I to do with.

So it will cost the companies that junk up my mail over $39.00 to pay for the postage on these returned envelopes.

It won’t work nowadays, but when I was young I glued a postage paid envelope to brick wrapped up in brown paper, and sent it to the one that sent the junk mail to me. Imagine the surprise at the marketing place when they had to pay 5 or 6 dollars to have a brick delivered to them.

Remember the Book written by Abby Hoffman, entitled “Steal this Book”?

It was a great marketing scheme.

I have an even better scheme. Mailbacks are but one.

OK OK, I’ll give you one more scheme, but only one more. Anymore you will have to pay for.

Want to see a movie like Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 911, but don’t want to help line the idiots pockets with your hard earned money? Yes you are only curious as to how much propaganda and bigotry is in the film. But you don’t want any of your money to go to the FatBigotsPockets?

EASY……..yes easily done. All you have to do is find a movie multiplex house where the film 'Fahrenheit 911' is showing, go to the movie complex and buy a ticket to another movie. Don’t ask for tickets to the fat bigots movie, ask for tickets to your choice of the other movies playing in that multiplex. They don’t usher you into the correct movie showing, you simply walk into the MM movie, and shezamm, you can watch the stupid film but MM doesn’t get a penny from you.

You will have to pay me for anymore ways to get even…..

I need some help, I wanted to check out ElPresidente Fox's webpage, but there was no translation into English.


What's that you say?????

"America cannot continue to lead the family of nations around the world if we suffer the collapse of the family here at home." ~ Mitt Romney

I suspect that Peggy Noonan is now freelancing on the Mitt Team, because this is a thought much like her thoughts, and any politician surfing for votes would not speak words of wisdom like this, unless directed to by handlers and speechwriters.

'Da Plan

I came across this surfing last night, and saved it. I forgot to save the source url, but I will find it somewhere in my history cache hopefully. I like to credit all other peoples work here.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Look Up, Your Redemption Draweth Nigh.

Me? I’m
A Battered Voter!I vote Republican,Then get abused,  beaten up,
By the very ones I voted for.
I lick my wounds and try to make sense
Out of all the political garbage spewed forth from
television, movies, newspapers and magazines.

Then, I hear some common sense being broadcast,
And I enlist my effort to the Republicans Cause again,Because the Republicans are promising to treat me right this time.I go back to them,Only to get abused even more.I am a battered voter!
To any liberal reading this:
I feel your pain too,
Because I know your
Party treats you like this also.
Perhaps, someday, the
Liberal and Conservative
Americans, will understand
That both have a common enemy.
It is the very Government we Love.
There is no doubt in my mind that
Most Liberals love America just
As much as most Conservatives.
Let me point the way to peace.
Look up, from whence cometh
Your Salvation, Look up and live forever.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A comment I left at a blog

I have one request, before you get into the meat of this blog article, please glance at this story.........then continue and realize this article started out as an answer someone who left a comment at one of my many blogs.



XXXXX, for all I know, stiff may have left smut or even a part of his or her doctoral thesis in that comment. If you read spanish, tell me, should I leave it on my comment page?

I have no desire to learn the language of mexico.

Any communication with this American will be in my native tongue.

It would be nice perhaps to be bi-lingual, but I am too old to start learning.

All of this is depressing because I know the lily-livered politicians saw the million or so Marxist in the streets, and they are gutless and emasculated.

We are being sold down the river by crooked and effeminate politicians.

I am sick, My country is one step away from anarchy, and no one is stepping up to defend America.

But until the day the Marxist take over, I am going to put up a fight. I know what they have planned. Even now the internet is being prepared for the fairness doctrine, and that means in 2009 or thereabouts, Sanity Bluff will disappear, because I love my God, my Family and my Nation. If America goes down, how will the world benifit?

It is like this, the lazy slob, who dropped out of school to pursue a life of addiction to drugs, hears that the Democrats plan to tax the rich more. He jumps up and down, happy, because those that achieved what he didn't try for, are being punished. Yeah, he says, sock it too 'em. But what is he celebrating? How did punishing an achiever help his pitiful life? All he wants is a little bigger bag of snot. Is he better off because the rich were shafted?

Everyone seems to hate America because we succeed.

So the losers are ganging up, getting it altogether to bring the achievers down. Do they really think we will let them takeover without a fight?


Teachers...listen up...If you don't start showing your love for America, respect America's elected President, and KEEP YOUR SEX STARVED LUSTFUL HANDS OFF OF THE YOUTH OF AMERICA...........

If the hordes come for me and my family, I'll burn all I have to the ground, and go down fighting, and I know the hordes could never build a nation or society like the one they ruined. Look at mexico as it is. It is a nation with natural resources as great as America, it has a climate that doesn't require a hardened type of person to build a life, it has everything needed to make it as great or better than America, except for one thing.

It doesn't have the people to make it great, they run away from any problem. The men of mexico are cowards, they can't make their nation great, so they sneak into my country, they drive REAL AMERICAN WORKERS wages down because they will work for an unlivable wage.

I want to live in a home with my family, not in a communal pigstye of filth just to make a better wage than I could in the country I abandoned, and pretend I am a big man when I send money back to the relatives I walked away from. Cowards, and losers.

Do you want America to become a nation like Mexico? I don't. Look across the Rio Grande to the nation the Mexicans built, and that will be your fate, if you don't deal with the problem at hand. Of course you may be too busy fighting Tuberculosis and other diseases that the invading hordes are bringing to America to notice. And look at the pollution across the river, that will be your streets America, and look at the enviromental insanity.

And let me be the first to tell you,

I observe, and I go to places where the Tyson Chicken Conglomerate (Clinton Democrats ALL) have huge plants with hundreds of illegal aliens working, and have witnessed first hand this sickening fact.

The illegal aliens working in the Tyson Slave Factories, don't wash their hands after they do their bowel business, yes, they do their business and then they march right back to the handling of your chicken tenders.

Oh the depressed, the poor, (they are poor because their men, are not men, they are cowards) illegal aliens, I think it only right to let them have citizenship so that they can bring the rest of their family's (the family they abandoned) to America to pollute and sicken my nations citizens.

(T.B. is on the rise in America, because of the illegals) . You call me anything you want, but I have pictures of the bathrooms in a Tyson Chicken Plant, my little camera takes movies, want to watch a drunken chicken plucker leave the stinking smelly toilet of a Tyson Chicken Plant and walk right past the hand washing station, back to handle your food.

Dire Straits ahead.

We will fight to the bitter end, or victory. I am hoping for victory!

Here is what I would consider a victory for the real HARD WORKING AMERICANS, which would be the ones here legally, paying taxes.

1. Mexicans back in Mexico, and

2. Every politician voted out of office....all of 'em, Republicans, and Marxist. Sorry to be so down, but I can hear that giant sucking sound...it is the politicians of America sucking up to the underclass of foreign nations here illegally for votes. Please help us God.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

I keep thinking about the illegal immigration problem in America, and seriously trying to come up with an answer.

Well, I have the answer, but I am a stupid truck driver, who would ever listen to me?

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