Wednesday, January 11, 2006
About Me
- Name: web_loafer
- Location: Middle America, United States
They were correct when they told me that hard work would never kill me. Yet, they didn't tell me how to get my health back after I could no longer work hard and had to retire.
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This lady about to burst into tears is Martha Alito.
If you had to endure hours and hours of Senator Kennedy calling your spouse a bigot, racist, and not worthy of squat, You might not be able to handle it. Especially when the Press worships the very ground that Ted the Obese Swimmer walks upon, and you know the lies will be printed, spoken and commented upon.....while the world watches.
Senator Kennedy is losing it. Can't someone in the state of MessychewsIt find a Senator that is not a hate filled liar?
Yes, I was thinking, Would my wife break into tears if she had to hear some windbag telling the world that the one she loves, is a bigot, racist and worse, and I had to keep quiet while the Swimmer pontifcated, and bloviated and passed gas from his obese butt?
Yeah, poor Mrs. Alito, the only thing that her abrupt exit lacked was the camera pannning into a wide shot of her walking away. I was watching CSPAN and the camera shot remained unchanged. Did FOXNews pan to the wide shot?
There is no way I would know, macdonald's Animal Farm, and really now, the thing that is important is this....
Would you consent to be judged by the bloated bigot from MA, who let someones daughter drown, while he saved his sorry behind so that he could be a Senator?
I find myself thinking I am more like Mary Jo, not popular, not rich, not famous, just a passenger.
Sorry, but any one who wants to be in Washington should know they need nerves of steel. So, if she is going to cry at the hearings, she's going to have a long,puffy eyed, tissue dabbing life. She need to get a grip. Life in Washington is not for the weak.
I know.
Wasn't like the Republicans ever tried to make Hillary Clinton cry. Or Nancy Pelosi.
And calling Cindy Sheehan "Ditch Bitch," "Momma Moonbat," and anything but Gold Star Mother is so much more classy on the right's part.
Hey, if Marty Alito can't stand the heat -- get out of the kitchen! Do we really need a Supreme Court Justice afraid to take a stand because his wife will break out in tears?
Yea, but Cindy Sheehan hates America, doncha know?
Only the repugs are allowed to judge others!
I cannot believe the support that Kennedy still gets from seemingly rational people. Yes, you do seem like nice people, but TFK, is no one to defend. He wouldn't defend you if the Oldsmobile he was drunkenly driving landed in shallow water with you knocked out. No he would leave you there to drown.
He beat the system of justice because he is rich, and he says some of the right words to tickle the ears of the liberals, but he is no liberal in his finances. He uses offshore banks, and trust funds set up on islands in the Pacific to dodge the taxes you and I have to pay. He is a rude and obnoxious airplane passenger, and I have heard this from the flight attendants who had to endure his presence. Such a person to worship and defend. You are not stupid, look at his behaviour in the Alito Confirmation Hearings......
He acted like a pompus A** and America saw it.
For someone who swam away from a woman in need, to question such a decent person like Judge Alito and accuse him of not being sensitive to womens issues, is, well it is beyond sad.
anonymous, come out of the shadows and speak. We don't bite here, I only delete vulgarity. It is hard to get involved in a conversation with someone who doesn't want to be known.
My life is laid bare to all in my recent writings. You may not agree with me, and I may not agree with you, but I am civil, and I expect you to be. I don't have many problems with that. Most of the comment leavers at Sanity's Bluff are decent. Yes.
I have a sharp tongue, but most truck drivers do. We see a lot that others miss, for we are searchers. We search the road ahead, behind, beside, above and below...for danger. We don't get second chances, we have to get it right, so we are excellant observers of the road, and it spills out to our personal time.
I can tolerate some verbal abuse and let it stand on my blog comments, because it is so revealing. It allows others to see you at your best or worst. If you come here blowing a gasket and being vile, because of something a truck driver said.
The whole world can see if they wish.
Who gives a shit about his wife's feelings, isn't the potential judge the one being questioned?
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