What's with the ex-presidents?? Not all of them, just C & C. The ones who leave the office only to start bashing the President that America elects to replace them??? Jimmy (couldn't win an election for dog catcher now) Carter is a disgrace to America, and placed some of the most disgraceful judges on benches of justice. If there was justice, Jimmy would be struck dumb. Yes, yes, I know he is dumb, but I was talking about him losing his ability to talk. His droaning voice becomes animated only when he critizing my nation. His speech is banal and irritating. I consider him one of Americas worst Presidents. You'll lose any debate about this, I remember, I lived in America when he ran the show.
And then there is Bill (not too fond of America) Clinton who has been bashing the Man America chose to replace him on a regular basis. Yes, the moment he leaves this nations borders, Clinton puts on that 'Them, not me' mask, and the Euroslugs and Muslims eat his garbage up. If Clinton is speaking overseas somewhere? I'll guarantee you that his speech will contain criticism of America, and some of the speech, down right vicous lies.
Oh those ex-presidents, the ones living large at taxpayers expense???
"But" you say, "they are paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to give speeches in France, Egypt and the Gaza Strip".
Think now, it is very expensive to protect our ex-presidents. Just to protect Clinton&Carter on their Bash America trips overseas, costs the taxpayers a bundle of money. Secret Service men and women, pretrip scouting, emergency equipment, security people and security hardware is expensive.
Maybe someone could use the freedom of information act to find out exactly what it costs the taxpayers to protect C & C while they travel overseas to bash America.

And, someone should check the water in the White House, There must be two water sources there, one for Democrats and one for Republicans. The two ex-presidents clinton and carter have not had a good word to say about George W. in 5 years, and have spoken very few good words about America. Can you say ungrateful ********
I have never heard a Republican ex-President act or speak foolishly. I will bet you a dime to a donut when George W. leaves the white house in Jan. of 2009, there will be no need to count the silverware, and he will never speak badly of the nation he led or the President that replaces him. He will be a gentleman. Carter? Clinton?

They prove how unworthy they were of the presidency by what they are saying now.
It's a disgrace, and will help keep Democrats out of the oval office in the future.
And then there is Bill (not too fond of America) Clinton who has been bashing the Man America chose to replace him on a regular basis. Yes, the moment he leaves this nations borders, Clinton puts on that 'Them, not me' mask, and the Euroslugs and Muslims eat his garbage up. If Clinton is speaking overseas somewhere? I'll guarantee you that his speech will contain criticism of America, and some of the speech, down right vicous lies.
Oh those ex-presidents, the ones living large at taxpayers expense???
"But" you say, "they are paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to give speeches in France, Egypt and the Gaza Strip".
Think now, it is very expensive to protect our ex-presidents. Just to protect Clinton&Carter on their Bash America trips overseas, costs the taxpayers a bundle of money. Secret Service men and women, pretrip scouting, emergency equipment, security people and security hardware is expensive.
Maybe someone could use the freedom of information act to find out exactly what it costs the taxpayers to protect C & C while they travel overseas to bash America.

And, someone should check the water in the White House, There must be two water sources there, one for Democrats and one for Republicans. The two ex-presidents clinton and carter have not had a good word to say about George W. in 5 years, and have spoken very few good words about America. Can you say ungrateful ********
I have never heard a Republican ex-President act or speak foolishly. I will bet you a dime to a donut when George W. leaves the white house in Jan. of 2009, there will be no need to count the silverware, and he will never speak badly of the nation he led or the President that replaces him. He will be a gentleman. Carter? Clinton?

They prove how unworthy they were of the presidency by what they are saying now.
It's a disgrace, and will help keep Democrats out of the oval office in the future.

Well if you need a reason to elect Hillary that is the best one I have come across yet.
"I consider him one of Americas worst Presidents. You'll lose any debate about this, I remember, I lived in America when he ran the show."
I lived in America during Carter's Presidency as well and what I recall was that he was better than Richard Nixon, if memory serves me right.
i would expect nothing less from bill clinton.
and my philosophy here in buffalo is... elect hillary; if i have to suffer you should too.
kkt, I feel your pain, I feel your pain.
What other ex-presidents are out there?
Ford: Nearly dead
Reagan: dead
Bush 41: fathered the current president, he's not going to speak out against this administration, since everyone in it goes back to his own admin.
That leaves Carter and Clinton.
Speaking a bad word about W is speaking a decidedly good word for America.
And I find it HYSTERICAL that you chose to say that America elected Bush to replace Clinton. Look at the numbers again, champ. The Supreme Court elected Bush.
brad, wake up.....hey it's 2006, you are letting the world pass you by because of your hatred of Bush and America. That's how I see it, you're welcome to live in your denial bubble, but I would hope you would snap out of it and enjoy life.
Another example of Ex-presidents acting bad....Today at Correta Scott King's funeral, Jimmy Carter had to put in his snide comments while on the same platform as the man he is not worthy to talk about. Jimmy is a socialist and moron. He embarassed himself. President Clinton was respectful and of course his speech was good. As long as Jimmy Carter, Ted Kennedy, Al Gore and Al Franken are the stars of the Democratic Party, I don't worry. They are so transparent.
Americans are not as dumb as you think, and what would you call someone who can't get over a defeat, and has to blame everyone but the one to blame. Al Gore lost the electorial college vote, and then took it to the Supreme Court, the court didn't settle it, they simply said stop counting unless you recount all votes in Florida. You are a sore loser, and I bet you haven't been happy for 6 years, so comsumed with hatred.
nuts, yes you be nuts.
When was the last time you had a government that cared?
You were stupid, we don't care.
We are drunk on your tax money.
And your so called friends, pay us large amounts of money, to stiff you.
wow, anonymous, you should be published.
I have never ran across a writer with half the skill you have.
I'm thinking Pulizter Prize for
You probably know what you are.
Bill Clinton doesn't hold many opinions that GWB does, so criticising him is fair. Since GWB, America's popularity overseas has been severely stretched, so it's fair to criticise America too. I think the US is better than it looks to an outside observer, but you sure have to work hard to see that.
The fact that America could elect GWB - mainly because of a lack of decent opposition - goes to prove that politics in general in the US is losing its edge. Remind me, how rich do you have to be to bankroll a presidential campaign?
On an unrelated note, I love your inclusion of that little hangman game.
Hmmmm, How popular was Winston Churchill in the late 1930's?
Abraham Lincoln when the civil war here in America was being fought, was as hated by the media, called an ape, and pictured as one in cartoons. He had to dress as a woman to sneak through Baltimore on a train, he was so hated.
Popularity with the world does not necessarily mean you are great. People who spend 10 minutes a week thinking about politics and world events should have no say in how a president is doing.
I don't worry about my country being popular with the rest of the world. It would be nice to be thanked once in a while for the good we accomplish, but it isn't why we do good. We don't do good to be treated good by the foreign press, we do it because it is right and we want to help.
Would you like living in a world without the USofA?
We could build a wall around our nation to protect us and us only.
Are you ready to fight the battles that are coming? I think not.
In a lot of ways I wish we would isolate ourselfs from the ungratefuls of the world. But it won't happen, you see we are a kind people, generous, but vicious if you corner us. You seem like a very reasonable person, I hope your life is comfortable, safe and long.
You should add the hangman to your blog, (which I spent some time at reading).
It gives me much enjoyment. Did you read my article about the game? I can win 8 or 9 out of 10 times, YES, 8 or 9 times out of 10.
Come back to Sanity's Bluff now and then.
Whoops, sorry fruey, I forgot to leave the link to the article I wrote about how to win at hangman.
It's at another of my blogs, but here is the link.
How to win at Hangman
The ex-presidents are just looking out for America. They believe America can be better than what W is making it. And I am happy for what they are doing. Also, as ex-presidents, I believe they have the right to say whatever they feel like. I feel the same way about Bush and will when Dubya becomes an ex-president. They've run the country before. They have a right to tell Americans what the administration should be doing especially when it is something they can be doing. Does that make sense? Think outside the constraints of your mind for a little bit. But don't hurt yourself.
In any case, you've started a good discussion, web loafer. Thank you.
Cosmic,you are full of it. You don't know much history. No Republican has left the Presidency and bad mouth his country or other presidents.
carter and clinteon are helping the Republican Party each time they open their lying lips to critize my country or MY PRESIDENT.
Here is a little lesson in life.
If all you can do is critize America,
Wow, thanks for the straw man, dipshit. Please remind me where I criticized America. I criticized its incompetent leadership.
You clearly do not believe in freedom of speech since you attack anyone that criticizes something you believe in. You are clearly the one that is not the "real America", merely a fascist in American's clothing. Unquestioning idiots such as yourself are the reason Germans turned to Hitler.
And by the way that lie about the Clintons "vandalizing" the White House was disproven ages ago. Perhaps you should try reading something.
I'll be back to visit when Bush is impeached. You know, just to laugh at you.
Sorry but your "lesson in life" is a little out of touch for a democracy. Maybe you don't remember this quote from Theodore Roosevelt
"The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or any one else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about any one else."
"Roosevelt in the Kansas City Star", 149
May 7, 1918
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